Monday, September 29, 2008

Preschool exam and last minute dentist all in one day!

We have one month from the time school starts to get Georgia's preschool physical done. Of course I pushed that almost to the end! I took her to the doctor's today. Her tooth has been hurting her for a few weeks now ever since a little tiny situation we had with the 4-Wheeler 2 months ago. Nobody fell off, but Georgia did bump her lip on the handle bars. I thought it was just a cut lip, but then her doctor thought it might be a cracked tooth or an infection so off I rushed to the dentist. Turns out after x-rays that everything is fine and it's just a rattled nerve. She did great and loves her doctor and dentist. She weighed in at 39 pounds and is 39 inches tall. She is in the 90% for weight and 75% for height. She is solid! She's also the only girl, and I mean girl or woman, I know that can do an actual pull-up! Go Georgia!!! So it's back to preschool tomorrow. After 4 hours of doctor/dentist appointments this afternoo, I'm beat!

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