For all of you wondering how Dave and Georgia are doing I'll give you the update. He's been Mr. Mom now since Friday and he's doing great. She's been pretty good for him and the grandparents. So far she's been sucking down about 40 oz of formula each day. Of course grandma bought her the good premixed stuff so I'm sure it tastes like a milkshake compared to the dry stuff I mix with water. She's spent a lot of time in the front pack while Dave does chores around the farm. The first night at the farm Dave put Georgia in her little bed outside his bedroom door. Well, after sleeping for about 8 hours in a row he was pretty proud of himself for having a little daughter who could sleep through the night, but when he got up to check on her she was no where to be found!!! Well I guess Grandma Betty heard a little cry in the night and got up and took Miss Georgia back to bed with her! So much for thinking she'd slept through the night. So spoiled!!!! They fly in tomorrow at 8:30 pm and I can't wait to hold her. I've had a nice time the past few days with DeLisha but I'm ready to have my baby back!