He sleeps pretty much all day and 10+ hours at night now. I'm in heaven! He has a "sister sensor" alarm that goes off at 6 PM when the girls go to bed. He's usually up for two hours from 6-8 after they are in bed and not bugging him!
Hey, I have a video recorder on my camera. I hope this video clip works. If it does, I may just go nuts with it and upload some of the girls tomorrow. Georgia has some "cool new tricks", as she calls them. I'm sure she'd like to show them off!
Well, looks like most of this summer will be spent at the learning farm 2 miles from us. It's the easiest place for me to take three little kids by myself without worry about strollers! The girls can run all over and pet any of the animals. So far the last two times we've been there, we've been the only ones visiting. That's even nicer! It was 80 degrees today too!
Mexico Part 3
I'm finally back with more from our big trip to Mexico and a bunch of
photo memories. This batch is some additional shots of our time in the
city of Sa...
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