We really got rolling on the new house this week. Our new driveway went in. The new house will sit back by the trees to the left of the driveway about 300 feet from the road. Georgia and Gracie just love looking out the windows at all the tractors!
Georgia had a very fun little party at 7 a.m. this morning. We have been very busy with the new house construction and Dave is going to be working on it all day today so we needed to party hard early. Georgia did not mind one bit when we told her she had to eat ice cream cake for breakfast! Now the girls get to play with the b-day presents all day! Thanks to everyone who helped to make this day special for Georgia. It was really fun to see how much she enjoyed her party. A special thank you to Chelsea and Steve for the party dresses for the girls. They've waited all week to get to wear them today for the b-day party. I can tell now that there will be a lot tears when we have to take them off to go outside and play in the dirt!
Mexico Part 3
I'm finally back with more from our big trip to Mexico and a bunch of
photo memories. This batch is some additional shots of our time in the
city of Sa...
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