Saturday, October 04, 2008

Georgia made her own bed!

Georgia has been making her own bed every morning this week and is very proud. She wanted me to take a picture this morning so Grandma Y'orie could see it on the computer.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Kitchen cabinets

The girls are so excited to be able to play in my kitchen. We installed the cabinets yesterday. At our old house, we have the kitchen and bathroom gated off so they can't be in there. I'm thinking I need to put locks on my fridge and pantry now that they'll have free access!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New floors

Dave has been putting in 16 hour days working on the floors during his 3-day weekends. We hope to have the downstairs done this weekend. You can see in one of the photos that there is a "secret door" connecting Georgia and Gracie's closets so they can visit each other whenever they want without going out their bedroom doors. They think it's pretty neat! We are working very hard to get this place finished so we can move in soon.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Preschool exam and last minute dentist all in one day!

We have one month from the time school starts to get Georgia's preschool physical done. Of course I pushed that almost to the end! I took her to the doctor's today. Her tooth has been hurting her for a few weeks now ever since a little tiny situation we had with the 4-Wheeler 2 months ago. Nobody fell off, but Georgia did bump her lip on the handle bars. I thought it was just a cut lip, but then her doctor thought it might be a cracked tooth or an infection so off I rushed to the dentist. Turns out after x-rays that everything is fine and it's just a rattled nerve. She did great and loves her doctor and dentist. She weighed in at 39 pounds and is 39 inches tall. She is in the 90% for weight and 75% for height. She is solid! She's also the only girl, and I mean girl or woman, I know that can do an actual pull-up! Go Georgia!!! So it's back to preschool tomorrow. After 4 hours of doctor/dentist appointments this afternoo, I'm beat!