Georgia turns the BIG 1 today!!!! We celebrated with a little beach party at the ocean yesterday afternoon. No party is complete without the birthday girl crying at some point. Georgia was not very happy after rubbing her cake and frosting into both of her eyes. Jack had no trouble at all getting the cake where it belonged in his mouth. In fact, he used two hands just to make sure it all got in there! A big thank you to Stephanie for helping me learn how to decorate cakes. After a few hours and a very sore fist, I finally finished my first cake which was Georgia's little bear cake and Stephanie added lots of handmade flowers and details to the big cake. All the kids had a great time crawling around on the wet sand and jumping in the waves. Georgia even got hit by a few little waves...she just kept on crawling! She looked like a little turtle that had just hatched and was crawling out to sea. She's been standing up on her own now in the middle of the room so I think we're getting close to walking. No, she didn't break Aunt Annie or Cousin Sidda's 10 month walking record, just in the lead for heaveweight! We said "bye-bye" to bottles today too. The next 3 days should be interesting:) More photos to come of presents she got to open.
Although we have lived in the San Diego area now for about 2 years, this is our first trip to the zoo. We figured it was about time to take a visit. Georgia had a good time being packed around and I had a good time not pushing her in the stroller:) She had her first "kids meal" and visited her first petting zoo. It was a really fun day. The highlight of the day was seeing the elephants. They were pretty much the only animals not sleeping or hiding. We especially loved the fat goat in the petting zoo. Nope, she's not pregnant, just overfed!!!!
Mexico Part 3
I'm finally back with more from our big trip to Mexico and a bunch of
photo memories. This batch is some additional shots of our time in the
city of Sa...
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