Merry Christmas!! I got the girls to pose pretty well in front of our tree by distracting them and telling them over and over again to say "cheese". Hey, it worked and nobody cried!!!!
On day 4 of our trip, and our last full day, we went to Nana's house for a special Christmas lunch and gift exchange. All the cousins were there too so it was extra fun and busy. Every where we went, we had to set up a "snack station" for Sidda and Georgia. Those two eat all day! Nana has two new little kittens that the girls enjoyed trapping under the couch. They got out a flashlight and tortured those little kitties all day! That about sums up our trip. We flew out of Sea-Tac at noon on Monday and got home to our beds at a little after 11 PM. Gracie was very happy to see me this morning, but I think she was really enjoying being an only child while we were gone. She got spoiled by daddy and Grandma Betty, and now the big sister is back to claim all her toys. Thanks to all for such a fun trip. We can't wait to "do again", in the words of Georgia!!!!
On Saturday, Grandma Kathy had us over for a big old fashioned pankcake breakfast complete with all the good fixin's. Yes, that's the make up kit again in most of the photos! Grandma Kathy took the girls on a walk down to see a real horse and they even got to feed it some grass. It was freezing out, but the little girls didn't seem to notice.
Sidda got a makeup kit for Christmas and played with it non stop the whole trip. Georgia was her model and loved every minute. We had a nice family dinner at mom's Friday evening and did a mini Christmas gift exchange. Aunt Annie was a good sport and got stuck supervising the beauty sessions most of the time! Georgia and I also did "belly shots" so you can see how big "our babies" are getting. She also thinks she might have a baby boy in there. I am 22 weeks now and we're having a scheduled repeat c-section on April 11th! We can't wait!
We left our home in MI at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon and arrived 11 hours later in WA! It was a long trip but Georgia did awesome. No crying!!!!! I was very pleased. She was really happy to get to finally meet Aunt Annie and Grandma Laurie at the airport and is still asking to "do again". We spent most of Thursday downtown Port Townsend, eating out and having ice cream and buffalo rides at the Elevated. It was really fun. Georgia and Sidda got along well and preferred to hold hands most of the day. Sidda introduced her to dress up princess dresses and the two had a blast playing pretend.
Mexico Part 3
I'm finally back with more from our big trip to Mexico and a bunch of
photo memories. This batch is some additional shots of our time in the
city of Sa...
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