Friday, December 08, 2006


Georgia has been sporting a new look with her cute little nub of a ponytail. Gracie has been eating lots of rice cereal lately, and Bounty got a good brushing. You can see how much hair Dave was able to get off of her with the Furminator brush. We love that thing! That's about it for our update.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I think Elvis said it best, but my tree theme this year is Blue Christmas

Well, I finally got Dave to go chop me down a tree out back. It's just perfect! It's a Blue Spruce and my absolute favorite type of tree for Christmas. We decided to put it out on the front porch so we can keep that door closed so Georgia doesn't pull all the decorations off. We don't use that entrance anyway, so we put it right in front of the glass door so you can see it from top to bottom from the road. We can still see it from inside the living room too since that door has a glass window also. I used all different shades of blue to decorate it. I love it!!!!

Gracie's 4 Month Check-Up

Gracie had her 4 month check-up and shots on Friday. She was 24 3/4 inches long (60%) and 13.10 pounds (25%). Her head is still in the 10% but it is growing so we are happy. Just for fun, when Georgia was this age she weighed just about 18 pounds and 24 inches long! So Gracie seems quite tiny to us! Poor Georgia was in the 40% for height and well over the 100% for weight. She was a mellon! Gracie now weighs 1/2 as much as Georgia does right now so she's not so fragile anymore. Georgia is talking more and more everyday. Her new word, or I should say her first phrase,of the weeks is "good-girl". This is the best age right now. She seems to understand and communicate more and more with each day. We are having the best time with these little girls!!!!