Saturday, November 22, 2008

Going through our crates from storage

Dave was in D.C. all week and the girls wanted to make him something special for his return yesterday. Georgia insisted, despite the green frosting all over her face, that she was NOT eating the frosting and only decorating with it!

Thank you Miriam. They finally fit the girls! I've been waiting for this day and they fit absolutely perfect! You are the best and these are so special to me:)

Thanks mom for last year's outfits and this year's jammies. Georgia added the witch hat to her Christmas dress!

We've been packing up all our stuff from the old place this weekend. We are all set to demolish the house in 3 weeks. Yikes! Not enough time to get everything out!! We pulled out our winter clothes since it's been in the 20's this week. Here are some pics of the kids being goofy and trying on everything in each crate. Unpacking sure is slower with kids!

Monday, November 17, 2008

bath time

I finally gave in and let the girls take a bath in our tub. This was a special treat!!! Normally I wouldn't care, but after all the hours Dave and I spent on putting the floors in, I freak out when water gets on them!!! Within 3 minutes, Gracie dumped an entire cup of water over the tub. You can see from the look on her face that she enjoyed every minute of being naught!!

Grandma Laurie's

Photos from trip home to WA

Our last night at moms:(

Roses from Dave and the girls. I was missed!

Afternoon at Aunt Linda & Uncle Stans house. It's beautiful out there!

Out to lunch with Aunt Linda

Wyatt meets Suzie, Grandma Laurie's childhood doll. They became instant BFFs.

Great Uncle Jay & Wyatt

Sara & Sidda

Aunt Sara

Cousins Sidda & Wyatt

Sarah and Jess

Aunt Sarah and Wyatt

Aunt Annie & Wyatt

Sisters Annie, Sara and me
Dad, Sara, Luc, Ellen & Sidda

Wyatt and Grandma Kathy (AKA "The baby wisperer")

Wyatt visits Washington

Here are some pictures of our trip back to visit family the beginning of November. We were gone nearly a week! Dave took the week off to stay home with the girls. They had lots of fun too!