Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cinderella cake for Leah's b-day party today

Georgia's little friend is turning 3 today and wanted me to bake her a princess cake. Here's how it turned out. The cinderella is cake from the waist down and her upper body is covered in fondant like her skirt. I hope she likes it!

Dave's landscaping project for his mom

Dave put in a couple of flower beds for Betty yesterday. I think they came out beautiful! Can't wait to put him to work our new yard when the house is built!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

If you don't vote for Clinton, you can kiss my @#$!!

Thanks Adam! Wyatt started screaming the minute I put the onsie on him and then pooped himself silly! Looks like he's leaning towards Obama.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

6 hours after surgery

up running around and eating:)

Gracie's home from Eye Surgery

We just got home from the Detroit Children's Hospital. Gracie did great....well, I should say that thanks to the morphine, Gracie did great:) She is the only kid I know who doesn't like stickers on her or bandaids so you can imagine how terrified she was at the hospital. She wouldn't even let them put the admitting wrist band on her! So I held her the whole time we did intake and she kept her face buried in my chest:) She screamed bloody murder when the put the pulse reader on her toe. We all know that doesn't hurt! I was allowed to carry her onto the operating room and hold her while they put her to sleep with gas. And again she screamed through that even though it was bubble gum flavor. Poor girl. Her surgery went great and she's been very tired an calm since then and napped the whole way home and is in her bed napping more now. Her eyes are bloody red with pink tears. She hasn't complained yet and the doctor thinks she'll be doing really good by tonight. They operated on both eyes to tighten the muscles so that her left eye no longer wonders. Boy they are so nice at the Children's Hospital and so great with kids. We are lucky it was only eye surgery. Most children there are not so fortunate.