Thursday, May 18, 2006

Snacks and a little PBS

Did Daddy Sneeze Again????

Everytime Dave sneezes, Georgia starts to scream and it takes a long time to calm her down! We don't know why this happens and it only happens when he does the sneezing. I can sneeze and she won't even blink. Well, Dave usually sneezes about 10x in a row so it's extra traumatic for Georgia.

1 year appointment

Well, it's more like Georgia's 13 month appointment since they could not get her in at 12 months. I am very proud to announce that "The Porge" is now officially UNDER the 100% for her weight! She just made it into the 98th for weight (24.11 pounds) and the 90th percentile (31 1/2 inches) for height. No longer the "watermellon" she once was! Still not walking, but soon I hope. She's cruising along everything and her little arms are getting quite long. All I have to do is look at my counter tops to see how far back I've had to push everything! She's a talker too. We have no idea what she's saying, but she's always very serious when telling her "stories" and is always blabbing about something. Hum, wonder where she gets that from:) She loves to give big slobbery kisses, and most of time they are without teeth...but every now and then she does bite. We survived her shots at her appointment too. There were three stabbings. It was very sad and I really do believe it was harder for me than for her. I was extra brave though hoping to not pass my fear of needles off to her. That's it for our update and I'll post some new photos soon!