For many of you this will be boring news, but for me, it's the greatest week of my life! Georgia seems to be potty trained! I started working non-stop with her on Saturday afternoon determined that if I put in the time that it would happen. I'm crossing my fingers but she seems to have grasped the concept. We've even been to the grocery store and no accidents! Of course I put a pull-up diaper on her just in case. She's become very possessive of "mine potty" and if Gracie gets too close to it, she gets a very firm "no-no baby" from big sister. Graice is crawling all over the place and pulliing up on everythign. She's in the "naughty phase". That means she heads for anything that looks like a cord or wire or electrical outlet! She's got so much exploring to do now that she's crawling so well. Georgia is not thrilled about this since she thinks every toy, article of clothing and sippy cup is hers. She spends alot of time chasing Gracie around and telling her "no-no". She's only 15 months older yet still a bossy big sister!