Saturday, February 02, 2008

Sisters ....

I've been trying to get the girls to walk holding hands so that I don't have to carry Gracie so much since my belly is getting bigger. They've been doing really well and Georgia likes having someone to boss around and it seems to slow her down when she has to focus on dragging Gracie around with her.

Georgia's first day at gymnastics

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pirate "Garcia" Youngblood

The silly insurance company somehow thinks Gracie's name is "Garcia", and for months now I have been unable to get them to change it for whatever reason. So the doctor's office has to bill her as "Garcia Youngblood" in order for the claim to be paid. It's pretty funny! So Gracie's update is that she has two eye disorders in her left eye. They are amblyopia and strabismus. I also had strabismus (also called a "wondering eye")as a baby but had surgery when I was 3 years old to correct it. When she is looking at something, her right eye can focus, but her left eye is looking all the way out to the left. The amblyopia is a condition that goes hand in hand with the wondering eye and causes her vision to not develop in that eye. She will have surgery in a month to correct the wondering eye but will continue wearing the patch over her "good eye" for 3 hours a day to see if we can strengthen her eye and bring her vision development back up to normal. Today is the first day she has worn the patch and she is doing great. She hasn't tried to pull it off and honestly I don't think she even knows she's wearing it. The doctor's feel pretty good about the patch being able to fix her vision so we can avoid glasses down the road.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ice Skating

Dave and I finally recovered after having the flu all week. I think today was the first day we ate a solid meal since getting sick! Last night we were watching ice skating on TV and Georgia and Gracie were dancing around the living room pulling on their legs and feet and twirling around in circles trying to copy the skaters. We thought it would be fun to take them to the arena today. Gracie and I didn't skate since I'm pregnant and they don't make skates small enough for Gracie. Betty, Dave and Georgia had a blast and were on the ice for 1 hour and 45 minutes! They even make little walkers for the kiddies so Georgia really got around well on her own. Gracie just ran laps around the arena. Needless to say they were tired by the time we got home! The photos are not really clear since I had to take them through plastic shield.