Gracie just chillin' at the Olive Garden today. Her favorite dining position is having her arms all sprawled out with at least one foot up on the table. Naughty little thing!
Dave threw a real fit when the pony owner told him he was too big for rides. He settled for taking Georgia on one instead:) Just kidding. Georgia has had a real thing for "horfees" lately so it was pretty fun to let her get to actually ride one. Gracie, however, cried really hard for the first trip round. She was laughing and jumping up and down by the end of the ride. There were goats, sheep and bunnies to touch too. It's really a fun time each summer. It's very old fashioned. Everything from pony rides to hotdogs and pop are only .50 each, just how it should be in the country!!!!
Mexico Part 3
I'm finally back with more from our big trip to Mexico and a bunch of
photo memories. This batch is some additional shots of our time in the
city of Sa...
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