Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Annie's new pictures from her Peace Corps. Tour in Belize

She's still there and she's doing great!!!! She's tan, cute and still doesn't have a single freckle! Love ya kid!

Baby Annie, so cute!

I still think Gracie looks like her Aunt Annie

Annie, you can thank me for cropping off certain parts of this photo! Just remember, I DO have the ORIGINAL!


The girls and I had a nice little outing this afternoon to the mall where we met my friend Jill and her daughter Leah for lunch and some playland fun. Georgia and Leah had a blast running everywhere....and every now and then tried to get tricky and escape! Gracie even joined in the good times and spent some time in front of the crazy mirror and playwall. She tipped over a few times and was sat on once too, but all in all enjoyed herself. The weather here is so cold, so it was a nice change to have some fun outside of the house. I'm enjoying a nice hour or two to myself while the girls are crashed out napping from all the excitement.