Only Georgia and I went to the 3rd of July party at cousin Nancy's. We stayed until 10 and I couldn't believe Georgia was able to stay awake that long! I'm sure it helped that she had a swingset, 3 dogs and lots of food!
We did a few fireworks last night at about 5 o'clock before the kids went to bed. Georgia kept saying "G-G, scared, fire, scared". She didn't like the noise, but loved the lights and especially the sparklers.
We're going to our annual famliy "3rd of July" party at cousin Nancy's tomorrow. Georgia really wanted some "cut-cakes" so I baked a few to take. I gave her a whole one this afternoon and it took her a good hour to eat it. She really took her time!
Every now and then we find an unlucky lost frog or toad on the farm. Georgia is obsessed with frogs and the ditch that we set them free in each time we find one. I'm pretty sure she thinks it's the SAME frog each time!
I think she feels like she's packing around a pair of lead weights on her feet, but they sure do look cute. She's also wearing Georgia's shorts. They can share some clothes now like onsies and a few pairs of shorts.
Mexico Part 3
I'm finally back with more from our big trip to Mexico and a bunch of
photo memories. This batch is some additional shots of our time in the
city of Sa...
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