As some of you know, we had a bit of a scare with Gracie last Friday. She went in for her 2 month shots and we discovered her head is not very big. She was in the 25th percentile last month and on Friday she had gone down to the 10th percentile even though she was in the 50th percentile for height and weight. She also had a questionable ridge and flattening in places so the doctor had x-rays done to make sure her “soft spots” were not closing prematurely which would restrict room for brain growth. After the x-rays were reviewed, our doctor referred Gracie to a pediatric neurologist for a CT-Scan. We saw the neurologist yesterday and she didn’t see the need for a CT-scan just yet, but did perform an ECG. Gracie slept through the entire 30 minute test! We should have those results back in two weeks. For now, we will keep a close eye on Gracie’s head size and have it measured every two weeks to check for growth. All other test the neurologist preformed on Gracie indicated she is doing great developmentally. I would say at this point, she is taking after her daddy as far as her little head goes! Sorry Annie, but clearly she is not taking after your big melon!