I'm going back to work part time! I'll be helping out with Dave's new business. He will be working with high schools and giving presentations to students on diversity and tolerance. His first speaking engagement is later this month. I'm really proud of him. This has been something he has always wanted to do. Please check out his website at www.diversityandtolerance.com
That is so cool! Is Dave still a lawyer too? Chris is considering getting his MSW soon too...but can't decide between that and school councelor.
Thanks! We are really excited about it. He's still with the gov but 10 hour days M-Th. I have to say seems like more employment options with an MSW and better salary. I would think that school counselors would need to have an MSW. It would give an edge up on the competition if it wasn't required. Just a thought. When would he start if he went back for it?
Now. He is going to attend National Univ. I thought the same as you, but he said that if he ever did want to become a school councelor after MSW, he would still have to go back and get that credential. You guys must be working overtime! Wow...when you're rich and famous, don't forget us little guys! :)
So he'd probably need his LCSW which if I remember correctly takes about 2 years of supervision once he is working with his MSW. Totally worth it since he'd be working anyway. Well this is very exciting for you guys. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to school! When are you guys coming out to visit us? I thought you had free flights! PS, we get to come and visit you as soon as I can get one of your local high schools to schedule Dave! Hint hint!
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