Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Easy-Bake Oven diet

That's right, a diet. Can you imagine how thin we'd all be if we had to use an easy bake oven to cook all our food in! I made a double batch of chocolate chip cookies (two envelopes of mix) just so we could have three tiny cookies and enough to lick the bowl and spoon. THIRTY minutes later, we finally got to eat our tiny cookies. It only made three so I had to share mine with Wyatt! Gracie actually feel asleep waiting for them to bake! Baking is exhausting!


Stephanie said...

OMG! I didn't know they were cookies! I thought it was chipped beef and gravy! I'm sure you burned more calories baking and cleaning than you ingested. Oh the patience you must have...

Chelsea said...

I so need that diet. Plus I could call myself a baker if I bought an Easy Bake...hmm, now there's a thought.