Georgia promised me she felt good enough to venture out to the homecoming parade yesterday afternoon. She looked really good...though hadn't eaten anything but sherbet since Tuesday evening. Still, we agreed she could go. The parade was fun and I still can't believe how much candy people gave out. The kids collected a bucket each. Lets put it this way. If we were staying in MI for Halloween this year, we wouldn't need to by anymore candy to pass out to trick-or-treaters!
For the second year in a row, Georgia got pegged in the face with a piece of flying candy during the parade. Last year it was through the window of our car! It caused a little bleeding too! Poor thing. Wyatt couldn't believe it was "raining candy" and that he could pick up as much as he wanted! He was in a daze the entire time.
After the parade, we went into Romeo to pick out pumpkins to carve. I've always wanted one of those giant pumpkins and after enough begging, I finally talked Dave into getting me one:) So we bought a 100+ lb pumpkin and will attempt to carve it sometime today.
Georgia had a fever last night which shot up to 102 by 2 a.m. It's the first fever she's had since surgery so maybe we pushed it by taking her out yesterday. We're having a pajama day today to make up for it. She seems to be feeling better this morning and her fever is gone.
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